Cute sandals for adults are now available from Chanel! These sandals have a sporty look and are not only easy to put on and take off, but they also have a soft fit that makes them extremely comfortable to wear! The color is stylish black, and one of its charms is that it can be used for a long time regardless of the occasion. The three-dimensional ribbon in the same color with a strong presence brings out the femininity and adds an elegant and refined impression. The discreet and understated Coco mark is decorated with stones, and it sparkles every time you move, making you feel happy all day long! Why not take this opportunity to add Chanel sandals to your collection? Color:Noir (Black) Size:#36 Width:10.5cm Sole length:25.8cm Heel height:1.3cm Accessories:box、storage bags Product Condition: BRAND NEW SKU:24050927
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